Thursday, December 14, 2006

The cast of the original, non-musical "Schooling".

Creating a new character is a unique and fulfilling experience. Any actor in a New Work is leaving an indelible imprint on their character, and laying groudwork for every actor who follows. The singers at Abington will be using a libretto affected by the work of the actors at Oswego, who used a script rewritten after the reading at NCC.
Below are the names of the talented young actors at Oswego East High School who first developed the romantically confused denizens of "DaPonte Community High School" in the non-musical version of Schooling.

Freddy A high school senior, boastful and high-strung, in love with Dori Matt Adams
Billy A high school senior, upstanding and gullible, in love with Lilly Brendan Healy
Dori A high school senior, prom committee chair, in love with Freddy Danielle Swanson

Lilly A high school senior, naïve and true, in love with Billy Kylie Schoenecker
Coach Al Track coach, newly bachelorized and disillusioned Nick Pankuch
Miss Thorne Music teacher and prom sponsor, career minded Farley Bennett
Dean Giovanni
Self-involved Vice Principal with an eye for Miss Thorne Carl Mohler
‘Senora’ Elvira
Spanish teacher and International Club sponsor Emily Steele
Head Custodian, Dean Giovanni’s right hand man Zach Hafenrichter
Nurse Mesmer
School Nurse, follower of modern pharmaceuticals trends Samantha Ford
Freshman cheerleader and perky prom committee intern Ashley Fischer
Sophomore pom prom committee intern, confident with boys Ashley Hamilton
Matt and Ben
Awkward upperclassmen in love with Zoe and Babs, respectively:
Jesse Green (understudy Freddy) and Erik Rodriguez

Male Students:
Clayton Johnson (understudy Billy)
Max Keil (understudy Leo)
Mike Schwartz (understudy Coach)
Sean Joy (understudy Dean)
Zach Gunty (understudy Matt & Ben)

Female Students:
Cavya Sharma (understudy Elvira)
Charise Walters (understudy Dori)
Heather Campos (understudy Babs)
Katie Apple (understudy Zoe)
Katie Shanks (understudy Lilly)
Kelsey Saurer (understudy Mesmer)
Nicolette Coleman (understudy Thorne)


Adriana Torrey
Ashley Torres
Jazmin Aguilar
Samantha Marshall
Zandrea Hafenrichter
Kaylee Faulkner

Cheerleaders (From the OEHS Varsity Squad!):
Britney Jacobson
Brittany Northrup
Danelle Carter
Meaghan Olsen
Melanie Zaragoza
Tiffany Spencer


Unknown said...

YES!! I'm so excited that Zach Hafenrichter got a part! He's going to be so good.

Ok, Matt Adams, I should tell you right now that this show depends on you. Forget Billy, this entire show is on your shoulders. KEEPING THAT IN MIND, let me tell you what I learned about the complicated nature that is Freddy.

1) Because of Freddy's nature, you're going to have to play him "shorter" than a normal character. If you could lose some height for this show, that would be great.

2) Freddy doesn't REALLY love Dori, its more that he's obsessed with Finding Nemo and he's stuck in his fantasy world of making out with Elenn DeGeneris's fish alter ego. It will play the same on stage, but it's important that your aware of this as your little "actor secret."

3) Freddy is colorblind. Use it.

Also, you might want to make out with Kylie Schoenecker. Just to make things akward. Audiences love tension.

I've said too much already, farewell!

Kylie said...

Yeah, thanks alot...