Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Sneak Peek into Rehearsals

Below are more photos of the OEHS straight play version of Schooling, and its very talented cast.

Disgruntled Coach Al (Nick Pankuck) bets Freddy (Matt Adams) and Billy (Brandon Healy) that their girlfriends can't stay faithful.

The boys big Dori (Danielle Swanson) and Lilly (Kylie Schoenecker) a tearful goodbye - Freddy and Billy are off to join the Salvation Army (?)!

Coach Al and Miss Thorne (Farley Bennett) in the choir room - denying their feelings for one another.

Dean Giovanni (Carl Mohler) thrills at the attention he'll get from his new "exchange students".

Senora Elvira (Emily Steele) puts the heat on the false exchange students Ersatz and Spurio.

Zoe (Ashley Fischer) and Babs (Ashley Hamilton) give Ersatz and Spurio a warm DCHS welcome.

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